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Yartsev V. V., Kuranova V. N., Bastrikova A. E., Kulaeva A. V., Kiselyova A. A., Schennikov A. Y. Herpetological collection of the Zoological Museum of Tomsk State University. Communication 1. Salamanders (Amphibia: Caudata). Current Studies in Herpetology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 4, pp. 147-157. DOI:
Herpetological collection of the Zoological Museum of Tomsk State University. Communication 1. Salamanders (Amphibia: Caudata)
The history of formation and the taxonomic composition of the salamander collection of the Zoological Museum of Tomsk State University, opened in 1888, are analyzed. The history of the collection is characterized by two periods of active formation, namely: late 19th – early 20th centuries and late 20th – early 21st centuries. It is associated with the names of prominent explorers of Siberia, namely: N. F. Kashchenko, S. I. Korzhinsky, A. A. Kulyabko, G. E. Ioganzen, M. D. Ruzsky, V. P. Anikin, and S. M. Chugunov. It presents 14 species from 12 genera and 6 families of salamanders. G. E. Ioganzen, V. N. Kuranova and her students have contributed most greatly to the formation of the collection. The main part of the collection contains Salamandrella keyserlingii and Lissotriton vulgaris. The collection geography covers Russia, Italy, Ukraine, and USA.
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