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Doronin I. V. New Data on Some Russian Herpetologists. Communication 2. Current Studies in Herpetology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 65-76. DOI:

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New Data on Some Russian Herpetologists. Communication 2


The publication contains previously unknown biographic and bibliographic data on the herpetologists L. D. Moritz, S. F. Tsarevsky, B. V. Pestinsky and I. S. Darevsky. A significant amount of information was found in the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg: student’s affairs of Moritz and Tsarevsky.


Ananyeva N. B., Doronin I. V. Remembered Name in Russian Herpetology. To the 125th Anniversary of S. F. Tsarevsky. Priroda, 2012, no. 6, pp. 86–92 (in Russian).

Galpershteyn Y. M., Moritz L. D. Bor'ba s shistotserkoi v Turkmenskoi SSR (Otchet o rabote po bor'be so stranstvuiushchei saranchoi-shistotserkoi) [The Fight Against the Shistotserk in the Turkmen SSR (Report on the Work to Combat the Wandering Locust-Shistotserk)]. Tashkent, : NII po khlopkovodstvu i khlopkovoi promyshlennosti Publ., 1930. 23 p. (in Russian).

Darevsky I. S. My Biography (Herpetology and Life). Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2014, vol. 318, no. 4, pp. 292–325 (in Russian).

Darevsky I. S. There is Nothing Worse Than War! From the Memoirs of I. S. Darevsky. Priroda, 2015, no. 5, pp. 75–79 (in Russian).

Doronin I. V. Leonid D. Moritz (1886–1938): The Biography and the Contribution in Domestic Herpetology. The Problems of Herpetology. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Nikolsky Herpetological Society. Saint Petersburg, Zoological Institute RAS Publ., 2011, pp. 70–82 (in Russian).

Doronin I. V. New Data on Some Russian Herpetologists. Current Studies in Herpetology, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3–4, pp. 160–166 (in Russian).

Doronin I. V. Department of Herpetology of the Zoological Institute RAS: Disciple of K. M. Deryugin and A. M. Nikolsky. Modern Herpetology: Problems and Ways of their Solutions. Conference Proceedings of the First International Conference of Young Herpetologists of Russia and Neighboring Countries, Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Department of Herpetology of the Zoological Institute RAS. Saint Petersburg, Zoological Institute RAS Publ., 2019, pp. 47 (in Russian).

Doronin I. V., Barabanov А. V. Ilya Sergeevich Darevsky (1924–2009): bibliography (1938–2014). Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2014, vol. 318, no. 4, pp. 339–370 (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. About the Snakes of the North Caucasus. Liubitel' prirody, 1916 а, no. 1–2, pp. 1–21 (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. Eryx miliaris subsp. nogajorum Nik. in the Stavropol Gubernii. Lyubitel' prirody, 1916 b, no. 9–10, pp. 243–251 (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. Coelopeltis monspessulana turcomana subsp. nova from the Stavropol Province. Lyubitel' prirody, 1917, no. 1, pp. 18–23 (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. Pereletnaia ili aziatskaia sarancha i mery bor'by s neiu [Migratory or Asian Locusts and Control Measures]. Stavropol, Izdatel'stvo Stavropol'skogo gubernskogo zemnogo otdela, 1921. 11 p. (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. Vrednye saranchovye Turkestana i bor'ba s nimi [Harmful Locusts of Turkestan and the Fight Against Them]. Poltoratsk, 1924. 17 p. (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. Materialy po obsledovaniiu saranchovykh nasekomykh v Severnoi Persii za 1927 i 1928 gg. [Materials on the Study of Locust Insects in Northern Persia for 1927 and 1928]. Ashgabat, Izdatel'stvo Narkomzema TurkmSSR, 1928. 52 p. (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. Report on the Work of STAZRA People's Commissariat of the Turkmen SSR for the 1926–27 Operational Year. Otchet o deiatel'nosti STAZRA za 1926 – 1927, 1927 – 1928 i 1928 – 1929 operatsionnye goda [Report on STAZRA Activities for 1926–1927, 1927–1928 and 1928–1929 Operating Years]. Ashgabat, Izdatel'stvo Narkomzema TurkmSSR, 1930 а, pp. 9–17 (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. Report on the Work of STAZRA People's Commissariat of the Turkmen SSR for the 1926–27 Operational Year. Otchet o deiatel'nosti STAZRA za 1926 – 1927, 1927 – 1928 i 1928 – 1929 operatsionnye goda [Report on STAZRA Activities for 1926–1927, 1927–1928 and 1928–1929 Operating Years]. Ashgabat, Izdatel'stvo Narkomzema TurkmSSR, 1930 b, pp. 19–28 (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. Report on the work of STAZRA People's Commissariat of the Turkmen SSR for the 1926–27 Operational Year. Otchet o deiatel'nosti STAZRA za 1926 – 1927, 1927 – 1928 i 1928 – 1929 operatsionnye goda [Report on STAZRA Activities for 1926–1927, 1927–1928 and 1928–1929 Operating Years]. Ashgabat, Izdatel'stvo Narkomzema TurkmSSR, 1930 c, pp. 29–47 (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. List of Locust Insects Collected in Northern Persia in 1928. Otchet o deiatel'nosti STAZRA za 1926 – 1927, 1927 – 1928 i 1928 – 1929 operatsionnye goda [Report on STAZRA Activities for 1926–1927, 1927–1928 and 1928–1929 Operating Years]. Ashgabat, Izdatel'stvo Narkomzema TurkmSSR, 1930 d, pp. 49–55 (in Russian).

Moritz L. Wild Goat in Turkmenistan. Okhotnik, 1930 e, no. 11, pp. 24–25 (in Russian).

Moritz L. Kopetdag Ram in Turkmenistan. Okhotnik, 1931 а, no. 5, pp. 27 (in Russian).

Moritz L. Kopetdag Ram in Turkmenistan. Okhotnik, 1931 b, no. 6, pp. 27 (in Russian).

Moritz L. Boar. Okhotnik, 1931 c, no. 9–10, pp. 31 (in Russian).

Moritz L. D. S ruzh'em i bloknotom (zapiski okhotnika-naturalista) [With a Gun and a Notebook (Notes of a Hunter-Naturalist)]. Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskoe kraevoe izdatel'stvo, 1935. 168 p. (in Russian).

Smirnov M. I. Vladimirskie urozhentsy-vospitanniki Vifanskoi dukhovnoi seminarii, 1797 – 1897 g. [Vladimir Nativespupils of the Bethany Theological Seminary, 1797–1897]. Vladimir, Tipo-litografiia V. A. Parkova, 1900. 34 p. (in Russian).

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Cherlin V. A. Forgotten Names: Herpetologist Boris Vladimirovich Pestinskiy. Principles of the Ecology, 2017, no. 4, pp. 86–89 (in Russian). DOI:

Szczerbak N. N., Darevsky I. S. Discovery of Psammophis lineolatus in Transcaucasia and its Zoogeographic Significance. Aktual'nye voprosy zoogeogra-fii: tezisy dokladov VI Vsesoiuznoi zoogeograficheskoi konferentsii [Abstracts of VI All-Union Zoogeographic Conference]. Kishinev, Shtiintsa Publ., 1975, pp. 271–272 (in Russian).

K. Adler, ed. Contributions to the History of Herpetology. Vol. 3. Issued to Commemorate the 7th World Congress of Herpetology Vancouver 2012. Vancouver, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 2012. 564 p. (Contributions to Herpetology, No. 29).

K. Adler, ed. Contributions to the History of Herpetology. Vol. 1 (Revised and Expanded). Issued to Commemorate the I World Congress of Herpetology. Ithaca, New York, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 2014, pp. 1–172+1–96 plates. (Contributions to Herpetology, No. 30).

Darevsky I. S., Adler K. Andrei Grigoryevich Bannikov (1915–1985). Herpetological Review, 1987, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 25–26.

Gans C., Darevski I., Tatarinov L. P. Is Sharovipteryx a Hang Glider? American Zoologist, 1986, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 133A.

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