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Gamidova D. M., Askenderov A. D., Rabadanova A. I. Variability of morphophysiological parameters of green toads of the Bufotes viridis complex (Anura, Amphibia) depending on altitude zoning. Current Studies in Herpetology, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 1, pp. 30-36. DOI:

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Variability of morphophysiological parameters of green toads of the Bufotes viridis complex (Anura, Amphibia) depending on altitude zoning


In Dagestan, morphometric parameters of the body and cytomorphological parameters of erythrocytes were studied in 124 green toads from four regions. In the course of the analysis of variance, variability between populations in these parameters was revealed, which is associated both with the influence of altitudinal zonality, sex, and the interaction of these factors. According to the discriminant analysis for the studied parameters (L, D.r.o, Sp.oc, C.s, D.p; λ = 0.23–0.25; L, L / W, S, V, T, E; λ = 0.008), the presence of two distant forms of green toads in the south and north of the region.


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