
New data on some Russian herpetologists. Communication 5

Previously unknown biographical data about A. M. Nikolsky (1858–1942), R. D. Dzhafarov (1883–1971) and M. K. Ozol (1902–1973) are given. The main information was obtained from the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg, the Russian State Historical Archive and the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense.

New data on some Russian herpetologists. Communication 4

Previously unknown biographic and bibliographic data about Peter V. Nesterov are provided. The main part of information was found in the Central State Historical Archive of Saint Petersburg.

Herpetological century: Centenary Anniversary of the Laboratory of Herpetology of the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

The publication describes the history of the formation of the Department/Laboratory of Herpetology in the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences and previously unknown facts of the biography of its staff. An overview of the events dedicated to the celebration of the centenary anniversary of the establishment of the Department is given.

Larisa K. Iogansen

9 июля 2017 г. - юбилейная дата для старшего хранителя лаборатории орнитологии и герпетологии Зоологического института РАН Ларисе Корнелевне Иогансен. Сердечно поздравляем Ларису Корнелевну с юбилейной датой, желаем ей здоровья и дальнейших творческих успехов, в том числе и на поприще работы в Герпетологическом обществе им. А.М. Никольского.


«RusTerra magazine» is only edition of terrarium animals in Russia, which created 2015. Here is brief historical background on the development of Russian periodicals where published some articles about keeping and breeding of amphibians and reptiles since the End of 19th century. Also here is the history of the journal, its content, authors, prospects and opportunities.