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Yartsev V. V., Evseeva S. S. Histological Characteristics of the Skin of Salamandrella keyserlingii (Caudata, Hynobiidae) Females in Aqutic and Terrestrial Phases of Seasonal Cycle. Current Studies in Herpetology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 159-167. DOI:

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Histological Characteristics of the Skin of Salamandrella keyserlingii (Caudata, Hynobiidae) Females in Aqutic and Terrestrial Phases of Seasonal Cycle


Morphological features of the dorsal (DS), throat (TS) and tail skins (caudal skin, CS) were examined in the aquatic- and terrestrial-morphotype females of Salamandrella keyserlingii. Using histological and statistical methods, the presence of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the fullness degree of the mucous glands, and the development of the subdermal connective tissue were estimated. The relative areas of the main structural elements (epidermis, strata compactum and spongiosum, connective tissue in the whole, granular and mucous glands) were measured. Regardless of the skin region, the aquatic morphotype females had no cornified epidermis, their mucous glands were empting, and subdermal connective tissue was hypertrophied. In the aquatic-phase females, the area of mucous glands of TS and DS, the area of epidermis and connective tissue of TS were larger than those of the terrestrial-phase ones. In the terrestrial-phase females, the area of epidermis of TS and the area of granular glands of TS and DS were larger in comparison to those of the aquatic-phase females.


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