Cite this article as:

Romanova E. B., Nikolaev V. Y., Bakiev A. G., Klenina A. A. LEUKOCYTE BLOOD COMPOSITION FEATURES OF GRASS SNAKE (NATRIX NATRIX) AND DICE SNAKE (N. TESSELLATA) (REPTILIA: COLUBRIDAE) FEMALES IN THE SAMARA REGION. Current Studies in Herpetology, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 69-?.

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Our study of the peripheral blood leukogram of grass snake and dice snake females (Samara region) has revealed changes in the blood of these snakes before and after their laying eggs, associated with the natural immunity activation in these animals. Natural, innate immunity reactions were mediated by mononuclear cells (monocytes and lymphocytes). An increase in the lymphocyte fraction in the dice snake female blood is shown to reduce the leukogram shift index. Interspecific differences were revealed, manifested themselves as a significant increase in the monocyte fraction in the peripheral blood of dice snake females as compared with grass snake females after laying eggs.


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