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Svinin A. O., Ivanov A. Y., Zaks M. M., Litvinchuk S. N., Borkin L. J., Rosanov J. M., Ermakov O. A. DISTRIBUTION OF THE «EASTERN» AND «WESTERN» FORMS OF THE MARSH FROG, PELOPHYLAX RIDIBUNDUS, AND THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE ORIGIN OF HEMICLONAL HYBRIDS, P. ESCULENTUS IN MARI EL REPUBLIC. Current Studies in Herpetology, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 120-?.

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Molecular-genetic analysis of green frogs (67 individuals of Pelophylax ridibundus and 63 ones of hybridogenic P. esculentus) from Mari El Republic (15 localities) and the Kirov Region (one locality) was performed by two (mitochondrial and nuclear) markers. Some part of the material (66 individuals) was studied by means of DNA flow cytometry. It is shown that in the green frogs living in the northern Middle Volga region, the genetic markers specific for the «western» (the Central European P. ridibundus) form are predominant. The alleles of the «eastern» form (the Anatolian P. cf. bedriagae) were considerably less frequent than in more southern territories of the Volga River basin. In P. esculentus, the mtDNA of all three types (from both forms of P. ridibundus, and from P. lessonae) were revealed. The alleles of the nuclear DNA characteristic for the «eastern» form were only found in two P. esculentus individuals from two localities. The relationships of the nuclear DNA genotypes and the types of gametes of the nuclear DNA genotypes and the types of gametes in hybrids are discussed.


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