бесхвостые амфибии

Age structure and growth of the oriental tree frog (Hyla orientalis, Amphibia, Hylidae) in the Samur Forest (North-Eastern Caucasus)

The paper presents the results of studying the age structure and growth of the eastern tree frog (Hyla orientalis) in the Samur Forest. In the Primorskiy village (Magaramkent district, Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation) in the first decade of May 2022, 7 females and 13 males were captured. The age of animals was determined by the cross sections of phalanx by standard method of skeletochronology. Age of females was 2–5 years (3.4 on average), males 1–6 years (3.4 on average).

New findings of the Caucasian toad (Bufo verrucosissimus, Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) in the Kuma River basin (North Caucasus, Russia)

The paper discusses the distribution of Bufo verrucosissimus in the North Caucasus. It is noted that the absolute majority of findings of this species in Russia have occurred in the Black Sea basin. All currently known habitats of B.

Reproductive ecology of Anuran Amphibians: Effects of internal and external factors

This research paper examines the influence of internal factors (female body weight, body condition) and external ecological factors on the reproductive parameters of females, as well as on the reproductive ecology of adult individuals of anuran amphibians. Among the most significant reproductive characteristics of females are the number of eggs in a clutch, the proportion of reproductive products to female body weight (contribution to reproduction), and the average weight of eggs.

New data on the distribution of Pallas's spadefoot toad (Pelobates vespertinus (Pallas, 1771)) and fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina L., 1761) (Anura, Amphibia) on the territory of the Saratov region and adjacent territories

New data on the geographical distribution of Pelobates vespertinus and Bombina bombina in the Saratov region and adjacent districts of the Volgograd, Voronezh, Penza and Ulyanovsk regions are presented. The habitation of B. bombina and P. vespertinus populations in 25 and 22 localities, respectively, was established. Most modern populations of these species of anuran amphibians have been recorded near water bodies in river valleys.