Bondarenko Dmitry A. RussiaMoscowHead Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Federal Medical and Biological Agency, 6 1st Pekhotny pereulok, Moscow 123182, Author's articles REPTILE COMMUNITIES OF THE KARAKALPAKIAN USTYURT (UZBEKISTAN) Thermal Biology and Dayly Activity of Central Asian Tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldii) (Testudinidae, Reptilia) Community of Reptiles in the Sandy Habitats of the Ferghana Valley (Uzbekistan) and the Endemic Species Conservation Problem Reptiles of the Southwestern Tajikistan desert plains: Spatial distribution, population density and communities structure History of Central Asian tortoise Agrionemys horsfieldii (Testudinidae, Reptilia) harvesting in Uzbekistan, and its population impact Reptile communities of desert landscapes and analysis of the herpetofauna of Southeastern Kazakhstan