
Materials for the distribution of the great crested newt Triturus cristatus (Laurenti, 1768) (Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae) in the Tula region

Over the entire observation history (up to and including 2023), the great crested newt Triturus cristatus (Laurenti, 1768) was found in 39 localities within 12 out of 23 administrative districts of the Tula region, with 23 locations (59%) discovered in the last 4 years (2020–2023). The vast majority of the find points (92.3%) belong to the zones of coniferous-broadleaved and broadleaved forests. The species is less common in the forest-steppe zone, although in general its distribution here is insufficiently studied.

Distribution of reptiles in Northwestern Turkmenistan

The article analyzes the modern distribution of reptiles in Northwestern Turkmenistan. According to literary data and observations of the authors, 36 species of reptiles have been recorded in the region, including one new species Alsophylax sp. Two species (Eryx elegans and Trachylepis septemtaeniata transcaucasica) are excluded from the list of herpetofauna of the region.

Snake diversity of the Aralo-Caspian basin

Snake diversity of the Aralo-Caspian basin includes 61 species in 8 families and is composed by local faunas of the Northern Caspian depression, Greater Caucasus and Ciscaucasia, Lesser Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Alborz and Turkmeno-Khorasanian mountains, Aralo-Caspian isthmus, deserts and mountains of the Middle Asia and plains of the Aral Sea region. Regions with richest snake diversity are Alborz, Turkmeno-Khorasanian mountains and Transcaucasia.

Distribution of the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca austriaca Laurenti, 1768) (Colubridae, Reptilia) in the Caspian lowland of Russia and Kazakhstan

The distribution of smooth snake in the Caspian lowland of Russia and Kazakhstan is analyzed according to the collections of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University and published works. The map with smooth snake finds includes 36 localities of the species (Volgograd Region, Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia, Chechen Republic, Dagestan, and Kazakhstan).

New finds of Elaphe sauromates (Pallas, 1814) (Colubridae, Reptilia) in Kazakhstan

A critical analysis of literature data on the records of Elaphe sauromates in the Atyrau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1857–2006 is presented. Doubtful finds of the species in the Volga-Ural interfluve and in the vicinity of the city of Atyrau require confirmation. New finds in the region in 2018 and 2021, like all reliable previous ones, were made only on the territory of the Zhylyoysky district.

New findings of the Caucasian toad (Bufo verrucosissimus, Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) in the Kuma River basin (North Caucasus, Russia)

The paper discusses the distribution of Bufo verrucosissimus in the North Caucasus. It is noted that the absolute majority of findings of this species in Russia have occurred in the Black Sea basin. All currently known habitats of B.

Rediscovery of Karelin’s newt (Triturus karelinii, Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae) in the Stavropol region and Karachay-Cherkessia (North Caucasus, Russia)

Karelin's newt (Triturus karelinii) in Russia is known for sure in Republic of Crimea, Krasnodar region, Republic of Adygea, and Republic of Dagestan. No reports of this species distribution in other regions of the North Caucasus have yet been confirmed by collection materials. The paper presents data on few Karelin's newt findings in the Stavropol region and Karachay-Cherkessia Republic. In May 2018, five adult T. karelinii (two males and three females) were captured in the vicinity of the Novoekaterinovskaya village (Kochubeyevskiy district, Stavropol region).

On the Distribution of the European Common Spadefoot, Pelobates fuscus (Pelobatidae, Amphibia) in Moscow

The European common spadefoot, Pelobates fuscus, has not been observed in Moscow since the end of the 20th century. The species is listed in the Red Data Book of Moscow (2017) as endangered or completely extinct. The paper presents new findings of P. fuscus on the territory of the city, namely, in the “Moskvoretskiy” Natural-Historical Park and the “Kosinskiy” Natural-Historical Park in August 2020.

Rediscovery of the Caucasian Smooth Newt, Lissotriton lantzi (Wolterstorff, 1914) (Salamandridae, Amphibia) in North Ossetia–Alania

Lantz’s newt, or the Caucasian smooth newt, Lissotriton lantzi, is an endemic species for the Caucasian mountain-forest belt. In North Ossetia–Alania, only 4 findings of this newt are known in the Prigorodniy, Alagirskiy and Irafskiy districts. Since 1983, there has been no new information about any findings of L. lantzi in this region. On August 4, 2020, L. lantzi larvae were caught in a lake on the left shore of the Urukh River in the Irafskiy district. Newts live here in a beech forest at an altitude of 810 m. The authors assume that L.

Current Distribution and Some Features of the Biology of the Common Lizard – Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823) (Lacertidae, Reptilia) in the Saratov Region

On the territory of the Saratov region, the populations of viviparous lizards mainly inhabit the river valleys of the Don basin. Most populations were found along the sides of lake basins. In the conditions of the drying up of floodplain lakes, some populations have degraded while the others have moved to river-bed biotopes. The reduction in the number of local populations has led to their increased disconnection.
