Образец для цитирования:
New Records of Amphibians and Reptiles in the Vladimir Region, Russia [Новые находки амфибий и рептилий на территории Владимирской области, Россия]
Приводятся новые данные по распространению 10 видов земноводных и 6 видов пресмыкающихся во Владимирской области. Список содержит 198 новых находок, включая такие редкие виды, как Bombina bombina и Coronella austriaca.
Ananjeva N. B, Borkin L. J., Darevsky I. S., Orlov N. L. Amphibians and Reptiles. Encyclopedia of nature of Russia. Moscow, ABF Publ., 1998. 576 p. (in Russian).
Bannikov A. G., Darevsky I. S., Ishchenko V. G., Rustamov A. K., Szczerbak N. N. Opredelitel zemnovodnykh i presmykayushchikhsya fauny SSSR [A Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Fauna of USSR]. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ., 1977. 415 p. (in Russian).
Dudenkov D. V. Amphibians and reptiles in the collection of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. Catalog. Vladimir, Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, 2011. 44 p. (in Russian).
Gasc J.-P., Cabela A., CrnobrnjaIsailovic J., Dolmen D., Grossenbacher K., Haffner P., Lescure J., Martens H., Martinez Rica J. P., Maurin H., Oliveira M. E., Sofianidou T. S., Veith M., Zuiderwijk A., eds. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe. Paris, Societas Europaea Herpetologica and Muséum National d'Histoire Na-turelle, 1997. 496 p.
Krassavtzev B. A. Die Torfmoos-Viper, eine neue Varietät (Vipera berus sphagnosa var. nova). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 1932, vol. 101, iss. 3–4, pp. 80–81.
Krassavtzev B. A. To the Biology of the Common Spadefoot. Priroda, 1939, no. 7, pp. 84–85 (in Russian).
Kuzmin S. L. The Amphibians of the former Soviet Union. Sofia, Moscow, Pensoft Publ., 2013. 370 p. (in Russian).
Murgraph Ye. N., Mannapova E. I., Myasnikova N. A., Cheremina O. A., Sherkunov S. A. Materials for the cadastre of amphibians and reptiles in the Vladimir Region. In: Materials to the Cadastre of Amphibians and Reptiles of the Middle Volga basin. Nizhny Novgorod, Ecocenter “Dront” Publ., 2002, pp. 154–166 (in Russian).
Ruchin A. B., Ryzhov M. K. On the distribution of Lacerta agilis in the basin of the Volga and the Don. Bulletin of the Mordovian University, Ser. Biological Sciences, 2008, no. 2, pp. 140–143 (in Russian).
Prytkaya yashcheritsa [Sand Lizard]. Monographic description of the species. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1976. 376 p. (in Russian).
Solovyov V. A., Scopin A. E., Solovyov A. N. Distribution and status of adder (Vipera (Pelias) berus) populations in the Vladimir Region. Current Studies in Herpetology, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 3–4, pp. 142–150 (in Russian).